North America
St. Crispin Friary
420 E. 156thSt.
Bronx, NY 10455
(718) 665-2441
St. Joseph Friary
523 W. 142nd St.
New York, NY 10031
(212) 234-9089
St. Michael Friary
190 Butler St.
Paterson, NJ 07524
(973) 345-7082
St. Leopold Friary
259 Nepperhan Ave.
Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 965-8143
S. Juan Diego Friary
404 San Mateo Blvd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
(505) 990-3001
Our Lady of the Angels Friary
427 E. 155th St.
Bronx, NY 10455
(718) 993-3405
St. Mary Friary
180 South Street
Newburgh, NY 12550
(914) 963-0250
Most Blessed Sacrament Friary
375 13th Ave.
Newark, NJ 07103-2124
(973) 622-6622
Mailing Address:
PO Bos 404, South Orange, NJ 07103
San Junipero Serra Friary
1631 62nd Ave
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 747-5370
St. Fidelis Friary
Killip Close
Canning Town London
E16 1LX, U.K.
011 44 20-7474-0766 St. Fidelis Friars on Facebook
St. Pio Friary
Sedgefield Terrace
Westgate, Bradford
BD1 2RU, U.K.
011 44 1274-721-989
Bradford Friars on Facebook
Europe Vocations:
St. Patrick Friary
64 Delmege Park
Moyross, Limerick City
Limerick Friars on Facebook
St. Columba Friary
Fairview Rd.
Derry BT48 8NU
Northern Ireland
011-44-2871 41 99 80
Derry Friars on Facebook
Central America
Convento San Serafin
Colonia Francisco Morazan
Apartado 331
Comayagua, Honduras CA
011 504-2-772-7998
Convento San Antonio
Apartado 283
Matagalpa, Matagalpa
Nicaragua, CA
011 505-2-772-2757