The friars strive to daily pick up our crosses and follow after our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why we exist: to live the Holy Gospel. Our fidelity in living according to the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is only possible and fruitful through the grace of the Holy Spirit, apart from whom we can do nothing. This journey is fundamentally fueled by our personal and communal life of praye”
“Living together as brothers of one family, united in their love of Christ, the friars place their personalities and talents at the service of fraternal life.”
Our Constitutions state, "Living together as brothers of one family, united in their love of Christ, the friars place their personalities and talents at the service of fraternal life." We come from different countries and cultures and have different gifts and personalities all of which we put at the service of our fraternal life. The diversity of our fraternity, united in our shared charism, enriches each friar and the Institute as a whole.
Authentic Franciscan fraternity means that, "As lesser brothers always seeking the least place, the friars serve one another and anticipate each other's needs, supporting each other through prayer, mutual encouragement, honest communication, and sacrificial service."