Text the word “Give” to:

Give your donation by sending a text. Using your mobile device, text the word “give” to 718-635-4042. A text reply will give you the link to a one-time setup page. Follow the instructions to set up all future gifts. Save 718-635-4042 in your address book. Thereafter, giving is as easy as sending a text, taking only seconds.

After the One-Time Registration:

  • To give $100, text “give 100”. For $50, text “give 50”. Any amount works after the word “give”.

  • To see a list of other available designations, text “give list 10” to give $10 to the designation of your choice.

All donations through Text2Give are attached to your non-profit’s giving record.

If you prefer to give online, then click the button below. Thank you for your generosity and support.